Shares, crypto, or NFTs: which is the best investment option?


Well-known member
Securities, which include stocks and bonds, are not only the best investment of the three but also the only investment.

Bitcoin and NFTs are speculative markets with no intrinsic value. Even if you chose properly, you may lose your shirt because they are not recoverable after exchanges, even fraudulent trades.

You read it correctly: they are meant to be unrecoverable if they are stolen or swindled (taken through fraud).

What do you think? Thieves are aware of this and appreciate them for it. They are frequently stolen.

Even if you maintain them all, they're just as likely to crash as they are to appreciate in value.

For some years, I've held a portion of an ether in order to gauge the market. Its worth has ranged from $80 to more over $3,000. It is currently valued about $900.

The erratic oscillations are the result of no underlying value. No normal individual would be willing to take such a risk with any amount of their possessions.

Many cryptocurrencies have been completely debased, meaning they have lost all of their value. Some have been proven to be blatant con artists from the outset.

Then there are tax difficulties, but if you care about those, you'll know to avoid them.

You are free to do whatever you choose. When individuals buy bitcoin and NFTs, it benefits me personally since their money is not pushing up the value of actual things. But don't claim you weren't warned.

Thank you for your time!
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